Our Scholars & Team
Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islām
Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islām born in 1974 is a traditionally trained scholar. He memorised the Holy Qur’ān at the age of 13. He studied the Arabic language and various other traditional Islamic sciences at Dārul Uloom, Bury, UK, under many auspicious scholars notably, Shaykh Muhammad Yūsuf Motala. There he received authorisations in various books including the six major books of Ahādeeth. He studied Iftā under one of the senior Muftis in the UK, Shaykh Mufti Shabbir Ahmad.
In 1996 Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islām established Jāmiah Khātamun Nabiyeen (JKN). Today, JKN has accelerated to become recognised worldwide as an institute of learning. As well as the Founder, Principal and Director of JKN, Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islām took up responsibilities in many other departments locally, nationally and internationally.
He is the Editor of the famous family magazine Al-Mu’min. He currently holds the posts as the President of Tawak’kulia Jāmi Masjid in Bradford and Chairperson of Al-Kawthar Welfare Foundation. He is also the Patron of Al-Mu’min Primary School and Olive Secondary Schools in Bradford. Detailed biography about the Shaykh can be found in Ask A Mufti Vol 1.
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Mufti Abdul Waheed
Mufti Abdul Waheed completed his Dars-e-Nizami course at Darul-Uloom Bury, where he graduated as a traditional scholar in 2004. He received Ijazah in teaching various Islamic disciplines such as theology, Arabic language, Usul al-fiqh, Usul al-tafsir, Usul al-hadith, Hanafi Fiqh, Tafsir, laws of inheritance and the six main canonical books of Hadith.
Amongst many of his respected teachers under whom he studied advanced level of Islamic learning in Hadeeth, Tafseer and fiqh under the tutelage of Shaykhul Hadeeth Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib (May Allah have Mercy on him), Shaykh Mufti Shabbir Ahmad Patel Sahib, Shaykh Abdur Raheem Limbada Sahib and Shaykh Sufi Tahir Sahib.
In 2005 he dedicated an intensive year of an Ifta course answering over 600 legal inquiries on various topics. Thereafter he dedicated another two years to committing the Holy Quran to memory. He has travelled overseas since the past decade leading the Taraweeh prayer mainly California USA.
Enrolled at Bradford University and studied various modules related to social science such as sociology, psychology, racism within society, critical thinking and comparative religion. Presently he is studying an MA in Islamic Pedagogy at Warwick University.
Has served as a full-time researcher at JKN Fatawa Department over a decade to date. All of his research fatawas are approved and published on the JKN Fatawa website under the guidance of Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam. Many of his fatawas have been published in the 3 volume Ask A Mufti along with Shyakh Mufti Saiful Islām. As part of the JKN Fatawa Department project he delivers webinars on Islām and contemporary fiqh. The JKN fatawa project also includes Muslim marriage counselling service where Mufti Abdul Waheed for over a decade has counselled many married couples struggling with their relationship. Currently he lectures at JKN institute in Bradford in Islamic sciences such as, Tafsir (Jalalain), Fiqh (Hidayah), Usool-ul-fiqh (Usool Shashi), Arabic syntax and Islamic research (Buhooth al-Islamiyyah). He also lectures in the Takhassus fil fiqh course, a three-year part-time course which specialises in training students in Ifta at JKN institute and Al-Balagh Academy.
His interest lies in Islamic legal theory, its historical development, minority fiqh and its application to Muslim minorities. More specifically pertaining to marriage and divorce laws. He has successfully completed an extensive 30,000 research thesis on Minority Fiqh and its application to Shariah Councils, under the supervision of Dr. Shaykh Mufti Amjad Mohammed. Additionally, through the ongoing MA program he has gained interest in developing new pedagogical perspectives of teaching Islamic sciences and most particularly developing a new pedagogical framework of teaching IFTA training course.
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Takhassus fil fiqh JKN students
The Takhassus fil fiqh is a post graduate 3 years part-time specialisation in fiqh course at JKN institute set up to train students; male and female, graduated from various Muslim seminaries/Madrasahs in the principles of Ifta and answering jurisprudential queries. Students will be contributing answers to online queries as part of their assessment.