About the Webinar
Amidst the current crises of the atrocious attacks against Gaza civilians by the Israelis, how can we make sense of the situation, and what are our moral duties from an Islamic perspective?
About the Lecturer
Mufti Abdul Waheed currently serves as a full-time researcher at JKN Fatawa Department over a decade to date. All of his research fatawas are approved and published on the JKN Fatawa website under the attestation of Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam. Many of the fatawas Mufti Abdul Waheed has answered in the past until now include divorce, marriage, dietary laws, finance and personal worship. He has performed Hajj three times and performed all three types of Hajj. As part of the JKN Fatawa Department project, he also provides Islamic counselling to support married couples struggling with their marriage relationship. He has delivered workshops related to marriage and contemporary fiqh issues for many years locally and nationally. He also lectures at JKN institute in Bradford in Islamic sciences such as, Tafsir (Jalalain), Fiqh (Hidayah), Usool-ul-fiqh (Usool Shashi), Arabic syntax and Islamic research (Buhooth al-Islamiyyah). He also lectures in the Takhassus fil fiqh course, a three-year part-time course which specialises
in training students in Ifta at JKN institute and Al-Balagh Academy.
His primary interest lies in minority fiqh related issues and pedagogical development in Ifta training. He has Alhamdulillah completed two detailed dissertations. First one he completed in June 2020 focussing on Minority fiqh and shariah councils and recently completed a dissertation on empirical research in British Ifta training program submitted as an MA thesis at Warwick University.