Coping with Anxiety and Depression – Using Islamic Principles
The ubiquity of misery and depression in the Muslim community doesn’t go unnoticed. No person deserves to suffer mentally. Learning how to cope with depression using Islamic principles enables self-control and emotional self-awareness so to maintain a balance between pain and hope and most importantly, strengthen our ties with Allāh the Almighty. Many factors contribute to distress amongst which is the absence of Islamic spirituality. When not managed, then distress can take a toll on a person leaving them to cripple both emotionally and spiritually leading to despair in the Mercy of Allāh.
So how do we manage it? Combined with modern mechanisms and Quranic and Prophetic principles, this webinar will equip you with the essential tools to help cope with personal anxiety and depression through Islamic Spirituality. A must attend webinar so to help rejuvenate the soul to attain tranquillity.
Only through the remembrance of Allāh does the heart attain tranquillity. [13:28]
Some Important areas covered in this webinar.
1. Real Case Studies
2. Islamic Counselling
3. Understanding the Human Fitrah
4. Mental Distress: Common Causes and its Effects
5. Quranic and Prophetic examples and Remedies