Zakat is amongst the five major pillars of our Deen. Its obligation has been established in the major sources of Islam namely the Quran and the Sunah. It instructs us to donate a certain portion of our wealth to the poor and destitute individuals. Acquiring sufficient knowledge to enable one to fulfil this obligation correctly is mandatory upon every Muslim; male or female. The topic of Zakat ranges from Zakatable and non-Zakatable assets, rightful recipients to pre-requisites of Zakat and so on. Knowing these injunctions are essential especially in the modern world wherein newly and contemporary modes of transactions and acquisition of wealth are emerging everyday such as, pension funds, trading stocks, loans etc.
Aims and Objectives
The webinar aims to provide a simplified guide to calculating one’s Zakat on Zakatable assets. Each topic is discussed comprehensively using contemporary case studies and examples in order to facilitate for the audience how to calculate their Zakat.
Topics Covered
- Pre-requisites of Zakat
- Nisab of Assets
- Zakat Calculation – Step by Step Process
- Zakatable and Non-Zakatable Assets
- Personal Zakatable Assets e.g. gold, silver and cash
- Trading Stock – Business Assets
- Liabilities
- Receivable Debt – Creditor
- Recipients of Zakat – Eligibility and Non-Eligibility
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be able to;
- Understand the foundational rulings of Zakat and their application
- Knowing how to calculate one’s Zakat on Zakatable assets.
- Know what are Zakatable and non-Zakatable assets
- Know who are the rightful recipients of Zakat
Presentation Format
The webinar aims to adopt a practical based approach than merely presenting an exhaustive list of instructions. The delivery format will be through visual PowerPoint with interactive case studies to allow the audience to engage with the topic. Islamic guidelines in light of the Quranic and prophetic advices will be explored through such practical case studies. There will be some exercise questions in the end for everyone to ponder over.
About the Lecturer
Mufti Abdul Waheed currently serves as a full-time researcher at JKN Fatawa Department over a decade to date. All of his research fatawas and articles are approved and published on the JKN Fatawa website under the attestation of Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam. As part of the JKN Fatawa Department project, he delivers contemporary fiqh and marriage workshops. He periodically contributes articles on marriage and communication building in the Almumin magazine. He also lectures at JKN institute in Bradford in Islamic sciences such as, Tafsir (Jalalain), Fiqh (Hidayah), Usool-ul-fiqh (Usool Shashi), Arabic syntax and Islamic research (Buhooth al-Islamiyyah). He also lectures in the Takhassus fil fiqh course, a three-year part-time course which specialises in training students in Ifta at JKN institute and Al-Balagh Academy. He is also pursuing an MA in Islamic Education at Warwick University