Finding your Soul Mate and Keeping your Relationship Healthy
Far from being a cultural norm, Islām treats marriage as a sacred bond between a husband and a wife. A person completes half of their faith by marrying which is sufficient to appreciate its great significance in the Islamic tradition. Finding the right soul mate and then maintaining a long-lasting healthy relationship with them after marriage can be somewhat demanding and challenging unless guided correctly through the spirit of Islamic precepts. We believe that the
primary cause for the exponential rise of marital problems is due to unhealthy communication, cultural influence and under-appreciating the rights of our spouse that Islām has ordained on each other. In this exclusive webinar, we intend to address the fundamental questions such as;
1. What primary qualities should I look for when searching for a spouse?
2. What is necessary; occupation, cast or character?
3. How can I avoid over-complicating my search for a soul mate?
4. How to keep the love alive between me and my spouse after marriage?
5. How to build healthy communication between us both?
6. How to communicate emotional support between us? And much more……
Join us in this exclusive webinar to explore the above through Islamic guidelines and practical
tips through real-life case studies.
What will you learn from this webinar?
1. Increase your chances of finding your suitable match by identifying the correct qualities
to look out for.
2. How not to overcomplicate your search for a marital spouse.
3. Help and guide others to search for a marital spouse
4. Knowing how to manage marital-conflict
5. Rekindle the romance of your relationship with your spouse.
6. Skills to communicating your feelings to your spouse
7. Knowing how to reciprocate and receive the love and attention you deserve without
demanding it.
Presentation Format
The webinar aims to adopt a practical based approach than merely presenting an exhaustive list of instructions. The delivery format will be through visual PowerPoint with interactive case studies to allow the audience to engage with the topic. Islamic guidelines in light of the Quranic and prophetic advice will be explored through such practical case studies. There will be some exercise questions in the end for everyone to ponder over.
Topics covered
1. Guidance to searching for the right person to be your life partner.
2. Common errors to point (1) and how to avoid them.
3. Discovering the emotional needs of your spouse.
4. Communicating support with each other
5. Spousal rights
6. Most common cases of marital conflict and how to manage them
About the Lecturer
Mufti Abdul Waheed currently serves as a full-time researcher at JKN Fatawa Department for over a decade to date. All of his research fatawas are approved and published on the JKN Fatawa
website under the attestation of Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam. As part of the JKN Fatawa Department project, he also deals with Muslim marriage counselling to supports couples struggling with their marriage relationship and helps people search for a marriage spouse for over a decade. He has delivered marriage workshops in various cities and periodically contributes articles on marriage and communication building in the Al Mumin magazine. He also
lectures at JKN institute in Bradford in Islamic sciences such as, Tafsir (Jalalain), Fiqh (Hidayah), Usool-ul-fiqh (Usool Shashi), Arabic syntax and Islamic research (Buhooth alIslamiyyah). He also lectures in the Takhassus fil fiqh course, a three-year part-time course which specialises in training students in Ifta at JKN institute and Al-Balagh Academy. He is also pursuing an MA in Islamic Education at Warwick University.