Al Mumin Nikah Services

Al Mu’min Nikãh Service (AMNS) Telegram group is a new match-making platform that facilitates an efficient way for the Sunni Muslim community to search for a potential spouse. We welcome applicants from all ethnic backgrounds; single, divorced, widowed, legally separated above the age of 18 and are UK citizens. Marriage is considered to be among the essential traditions in Islâm.

Allâh swt says, “Among His Signs is that He has created spouses for you from yourselves so that you may find solace with her and He has placed love and mercy between you. There are certainly signs in this for people who contemplate.” (30:21)

It is related to Sayyidunâ Abdullâh Ibn Mas’ood (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said, “O group of youths! Let him marry who can, for most certainly it prevents the eyesight (from committing sins) and protects the private parts.” (Bukhâri, Muslim)

In another narration related by Sayyidunâ Anas (ra)that the Prophet (saw) said, “When a man marries, he has completed half of his religion, so let him fear Allâh swt regarding the remaining half.” (Baihaqi)

Interested members are required to formally complete an application form and pay a membership fee (see section 3: Membership Fee) before they can be added onto the Telegram group. All registered females must communicate with the Apa (details will be provided after registering) and males to communicate with Mufti Abdul Waheed on the contact details above.

The following applicants we DO NOT accept:
• Asylum seekers or illegal immigrants.
• Have a criminal record.
• Below the age of 18.
• Searching for a second wife.
• Non-British citizens such as those on student visa, work visa etc.
• Residing abroad and do not live in the UK.

Complete the form online (using a tablet, laptop or PC device, NOT phone) and then email it to The application form is available for download on this page. Before completing the form, you must carefully read through the attached document titled ‘Important Information About the Service’. It contains all of the necessary information you need to know about the service such as;

  • Application Process and Procedure
  • Membership fee
  • Telegram group codes of conduct
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Brief Guide to Completing the Form
  • General Advice when Searching for a Potential Spouse
  • FAQs